
SCPI Command :

class PowerCls[source]

Power commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

get_hdmode() bool[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:LTE:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:POWer:HDMode
value: bool = driver.configure.lteMeas.multiEval.power.get_hdmode()

Enables or disables the high dynamic mode for power dynamics measurements.


high_dynamic_mode: No help available

set_hdmode(high_dynamic_mode: bool) None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:LTE:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:POWer:HDMode
driver.configure.lteMeas.multiEval.power.set_hdmode(high_dynamic_mode = False)

Enables or disables the high dynamic mode for power dynamics measurements.

param high_dynamic_mode:

No help available