
SCPI Command :

class DallocationCls[source]

Dallocation commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Subgroups, 1 group commands

class FetchStruct[source]

Response structure. Fields:

  • Reliability: int: ‘Reliability indicator’

  • Nr_Res_Blocks: List[int]: Number of allocated resource blocks

  • Offset_Res_Blocks: List[int]: Offset of the first allocated resource block from the edge of the allocated UL transmission bandwidth

fetch() FetchStruct[source]
# SCPI: FETCh:LTE:MEASurement<Instance>:MEValuation:LIST:MODulation:DALLocation
value: FetchStruct = driver.lteMeas.multiEval.listPy.modulation.dallocation.fetch()

Return the detected allocation for all measured list mode segments. The result is determined from the last measured slot of the statistical length of a segment. The individual measurements provide the same result when measuring the same slot. However different statistical lengths can be defined for the measurements so that the measured slots and returned results can differ. The results are returned as pairs per segment: <Reliability>, {<NrResBlocks>, <OffsetResBlocks>}Seg 1, {<NrResBlocks>, <OffsetResBlocks>}Seg 2, …


structure: for return value, see the help for FetchStruct structure arguments.